Digital classroom and e learning center inaguration at zilla parishad madhyamik kanya school majalgaon beed .
E learning kit and digital smart tv has been donated by Pagaria Welfare Foundation and Sampoorna Shiksha gyaandaan foundation navi mumbai .
E learning kit has projector and pendrive with animated curriculum for class 1 to 10 and also more than 200 videos on life skills ,personality development , art and craft etc . This kit will benefit all the 500 plus girls studying in this school and also help the teachers and girls are really enjoying this e learning method .
Digital smart tv of 43 inch has also been donated by pagaria welfare foundation and gyaandaan foundation from which online interactive classes will be taken for girls as part of sampoorna shiksha project and girls also study online with internet .
Two digital classrooms have been made specially for this purpose and further we plan to make computer leanring center also for skill development. under sampoorna shiksha we shall take career counselling , spoken english classes , art and craft , dance , self defence classes shall be taken from our volunteers as part of Sampoorna Shiksha !
we thank all our donors and wellwishers for the support !