Empowering Girls: Menstrual Hygiene Session at Mankhurd, Mumbai.
Under our Project Laadli we have conducted a session in Mankhurd, Mumbai at learning center with one of our partner Janjagruti Vidyarthi Sangh.
More than 40 girls where the part of this session from the age group of 10 to 16yrs.
The session focused on educating the girls about menstrual hygiene practices, breaking taboos, and promoting a healthy attitude towards menstruation. We believe that education is key to empowering girls and ensuring their health and well-being.
We have distrusted sanitary pads and informative comic magazine called Mini Menstrupedia.
The sessions received positive feedback and we extend heartfelt thanks to our donors.
#pagariawelfarefoundation #projectlaadli #ngo #communitydevelopment #education #mhm #menstrualhygiene #menstrupedia #ngo
