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Republic Day Celebrations


School visit to ZP school Jhakhangaon Maharashtra .

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." –Desmond Tutu

Our CEO Vaidhei Pagaria and team member Lata Srinivasan teach online on skype to Zilla Parishad School in Jhakhangaon and on the occassion of republic day they were invited as guest in their village for celebrations . The day began with flag hoisting and parade in school premises and then in village along with the presence Sarpanch and other villagers and then follwed by cultural programme of all the childrens in the village in the Community hall of Jhakhangaon . All the performances were very lively , well co ordinated and had a great message to the audience which included life stories of Shivaji Maharaj , Lord Vitthal , Rani Laxmi Bai , Soilders , Saint Tukaram etc without any professional help of choreographer and they all learnt themselves under the guidance of their teachers. We then did the school visit an dinteracted with teachers and students and played some games and distributed some prizes and snacks . Students had made handmade bouquet & gifts for us and they gave us vegetables from their farms . Small act of kindness were really appreciated . We thank Mr Jadhav Principal , Priti Shinde and other school staff for the lovely hospitality . We also visited houses of your students and farms of their parents . Entire village had such a great unity and they thanked us for being part of the celebrations . #schoolvisit #jhakhangaon #republicday


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