The Pratirodh tailoring centre at village Amarpura, District chittoorgarh, Rajasthan running under Our Project Laadli is dedicated to empowring womens with the art of tailoring. We are thrilled to share the latest updates from our centre.
Through this centre we offer valuable tailoring and stitching skills to diverse girls and womens and empower them.
With a dedicated team and supportive community, we have been able to make a real difference in the lives of more than 10-15 womens and girls in rural area who are now able to handle the sewing machine and learning to sew basic cloths.
In partnership with our Pratirodh Prayas together, we are making a difference in empowering rural individuals through skill building.
#pagariawelfarefoundation #projectlaadli #ngo #womenempowerment #ruraldevelopment #tailoringcentre #pratirodhprayas.
